Sunday, 27 March 2011

Post on packet given last class

I got 6 question correct out of the 8 multiple choice.

I do not completely understand all my mistakes so I hope to go over them in class.

Regarding Codingbat:
I have code for several questions however they either wont compile or do not return a "all correct" message
I will ask Gershon or Elhanan for help on Monday

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Gridworld Practice Exam

I found the packet quite helpful seeing as it cleared some things up for me regarding Gridworld.

I got 5 correct out of 6 and found most of the question quite easy.

There was nothing in the packet which I did not actually understand. I even understood the question i got wrong. However, I find the level of the packet simpler than all the test being given in class.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Last Barrons Chapter

I did very well on the multiple choice questions on this chapter.. (only 3 wrong)

I understood my mistakes, they were mostly on the theoretical questions regarding programming

I understand this chapter very well and I feel very confident about it