Monday 31 January 2011

Introductory Java Language Features:

By Monday (31) 8:00pm in your blog

How did you do on the multiple choice questions?
I did quite well, got about 80% of them correct

Did you understand your errors?
I understood most of my errors but I still have some question I would like to go over in class

What do you not understand?

I did not understand anything regarding the Hexadecimal and binary section, The book only gives a few lines of informations and explanations on this subject and I was unable to understand it whatsoever. I even tried reading the explanations to the multiple choice questions about hexadecimals but they were useless as well. Hopefully we will go over this subject in class and clarify this issue. 

Can you convert between hexadecimal and decimal (and binary)?

Not at all, see answer to previous question.

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